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Our job ...

                       ... the viticulture

For four generations of winegrowers, we produce table grapes and wine grapes to create Luberon wine.

We also cultivate olive orchards to press and make homemade olive oil.

From planting to harvesting, winegrowing means hard work everyday, all year round.


In the vineyards we have two grape varieties (“cépages”) : the Muscat de Provence and the Alphonse Lavallée as table grapes. Theses grapes are harvested in September, by hand with scissors. For wine making, we have Shiraz, Grenache black and white, Cinsault and Rolle. We use a mechanical harvester. The grapes are then delived to the cooperative to be made into wine.

In the olive orchards, in November and December, the olives are harvested and pressed to make our olive oil.

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